What is voluntaryism? 

Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. 

​​​You are a sovereign individual.
You own yourself.
You own your actions.
You own your reactions.

You have the right to live your life as you choose, without violating the rights of others. Those rights include the right to your life, the right to your liberty, and the right to your property. You have the right to live your life as you choose without the threat of or being harassed, assaulted, kidnapped and/or caged by anyone, including the  government. No one has a higher claim to your life, liberty, or property than you do.  In turn, you do not have a higher claim to the life, liberty, and property of others. In order to protect your own very precious individual rights, you must protect the individual rights of others - even and especially those you may disagree with.

You are a sovereign individual.
You own yourself.
You own your actions.
You own your reactions.

There are people out there looking for someone to follow and there are people out there looking to mislead those people. Follow no one. Be your own leader.

You are a sovereign individual.
You own yourself.
You own your actions.
You own your reactions.

Be your own leader, BE YOUR OWN KING.
BE YOUR OWN KING is not a campaign.
BE YOUR OWN KING is a statement.
BE YOUR OWN KING is a lifestyle.

You are a sovereign individual.
You own yourself.
You own your actions.
You own your reactions.
BE the change you want to see in the world:

What is the N.A.P.?

What is a free market?

What is voluntaryism?

Voluntaryism In Action.

Be. Your. Own. King.

Why is taxation theft?

​​​​​​cannabis data.org

What are individual rights?